
Integrate with Ease

Access the full power of CypherMed Cloud through one of our many interfaces. Our use of standard specifications and protocols makes it easy to integrate with popular development tools and code generators.


OpenAPI 3.0 Compliant RESTful API using OAuth2.0 authorization protocol

Fully documented with OpenAPI spec available for download.

Generate server stubs and interfaces in other languages using OpenAPI Generator.

Python & JS SDKs

Our Python SDK provides every endpoint as both synchronous and asynchronous functions. Available on PyPi.

Our JavaScript SDK provides RTK Query hooks for every endpoint, as well as automatic handling of tokens and sessions. Available on NPM.

Device Management

Provision and manage your devices with ease. Effortlessly catalog, track, and connect to your fleet. Utilize the REST API or publish and subscribe messages over MQTT using the built-in broker.

Assign API keys & X.509 certificates to devices
Built-in MQTT broker and topic access control
Securely tunnel into devices, no port forwarding required
Index, tag, search, sort, and filter devices
Push software updates to your devices

Powerful Authentication

Fully secure your users and data without compromising flexibility or control. Your authentication workflow is highly customizable, including how users log in, the lifetime of their sessions, and whether multi-factor authentication is required. Logins can be scoped to a particular project with its own authentication settings. Access control is also highly configurable with a granular permission system that can be perfectly tailored for your organization.

And So Much More...

Support Icon of two People

Group Users & Devices

Collect users and devices into groups and provide access to shared data.

Group data is encrypted with a unique key, acquired only through a zero-trust key exchange.

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Data Management

Highly customizable data storage and retrieval. Index your data to quickly search, sort, and filter it.

Revision history authenticity is guarunteed through a hash chain on every data entry.

Files Index

We provide a convenient interface for your own dedicated object storage repository.

Files are automatically indexed, allowing them to be searched and filtered. This also provides useful metadata like file size and type.

Email Templates

Create email templates that support variable substitution, and optionally scope them to a specific project.

Emails can be localized according to user preferences as well as project and/or organization settings.

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Multi-factor Support

Enhance the security of your account with multi-factor authentication (MFA). Both SMS and authenticator apps are supported.

Optionally enforce MFA for all your users via organization policy.

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Authentication Scopes

Login fields, token lifetime, email link expiration, and MFA session duration are all configurable at the organization and project level.

Log into specific projects to scope all operations and access to resources.

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